Climate Change

“Climate Change is no longer some far-off problem; it is happening here, it is happening now.”
India is a signatory to all the major climate treaties across the globe including the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGs being absolutely bold and ambitious commitments to finish). A landmark study released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reveals that India is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to global warming and will face the brunt of climate change devastation in the coming years. Their Special report on 1.5°C investigates the impacts of increase in global average temperature by 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels in the context of strengthening global response to the threat of climate change and sustainable development. Limiting global warming to 1.5°C will not leave us safe. India, as well as the rest of the world will continue to experience increasing negative impact as the temperature rises, although it would be much lesser than the calamitous effects of a 2°C warmer planet. India is already losing about 1.5 per cent of its GDP every year due to climate change-related risks. This builds a stronger case for India to further invest on adaptation and build resilient infrastructure, medical facilities and undertake climate smart agriculture. Recently, the Indian government has pledged INR 480 crores towards setting up of a secretariat “Coalition for Disaster Risk Resilient Infrastructure” on the lines of International Solar Alliance and has already received support from the UN, World Bank and many developed economies which will support building standards, frameworks, R&D etc. to build resilient infrastructure. Industry will have to contribute by beginning to produce materials which can help build disaster resilient infrastructure as well as design and construct using these.
Bodhi Foundation is committed towards environmental protection and sustainable development through conservation, regeneration and sustainable management of biodiversity and ecosystems along with working for massive tree plantation, promoting sustainable agriculture, water and energy conservation, Sanitation, development of self-sufficient and self-reliant composite green villages. The broader aim is to work towards accomplishment and promotion of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)-2030 including creation of Institutional framework for dissemination of information through training and carrying out work focussed on SDGs. There is need to mobilize the communities to plant more trees to promote environmental conservation. There is an urgent need to put awareness in the communities so that Government as well as people should fully understand that nature conservation and the future of the people are inextricably linked well. We are endeavouring to better manage natural environment while providing sustainable solutions for living.
Strong scientific evidence now shows that the earth’s climate system has changed since the pre-industrial era and that these changes are, at least in part, attributable to human activities. Climate change is more and more becoming a problem for all of society, one that affects security, health, agriculture, nature and many other sectors. An effective strategy to reduce the risks of climate change includes both adaptation and mitigation. Bodhi Foundation is also involved in Stakeholder engagement and Impact Assessment, Business and Human Rights due diligence, Implementation and Reporting on UN Sustainable Development Goals, Climate related Risk Assessment, Carbon foot-printing and Greenhouse Assurance and Climate Adaptation strategies