Privacy Policy

Effective Date: April 1, 2022 Bodhi Foundation India and affiliates (collectively, “Bodhi Foundation India”, “us” or “we”) understand that your privacy is important to you. We are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal data, which is any information that is capable of identifying you as an individual person. Please see our Terms of use for more information about our online terms and policies in general
1. Information we collect
Bodhi Foundation India collects personal data in the course of its business activities, including in connection with some client services. We also collect personal data on certain areas of the Sites when you register for or apply for jobs, create a user profile, register for Bodhi Foundation India newsletters and alerts, etc. The personal data collected varies and may include information that you provide, such as your name, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number, fax number, and background information required to apply for a job. We may also automatically collect information about the devices you use to interact with our Sites. The information we automatically collect may include IP address, device identifier, web browser, and browsing information collected through cookies, web beacons, pixels, clear gifs, and other similar technologies (collectively “Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies”) on our Sites. We may also automatically collect information about how you use the Sites, such as what you have searched for and viewed on the Sites. The information automatically collected may be associated with a unique identifier as well as with any other personal data you have provided. Bodhi Foundation India may also collect personal data about you from third parties, such as data brokers or aggregators, in the course of its business activities including in connection with some client services. This includes demographic, professional and other information that is publicly available online, including information you choose to make public through social media platforms and other public online forums. We may combine this data with existing information we have about you or use it independently, for the purposes of our benchmarking and data analytics activities (e.g., analysis of recruiting practices across an industry, detecting fraud patterns in connection with financial transactions). We will always seek to confirm that the third party has provided transparent information about its use of this data, including its disclosure to third parties like Bodhi Foundation India, in compliance with applicable law.
2. Use of information
Bodhi Foundation India uses your personal data to fulfill your requests for information, process your requests to participate in conferences and events, personalize content that you view or receive on the Sites, evaluate and improve our services, distribute newsletters and alerts to you, recruit and evaluate job applicants, analyze the Sites’ performance and functioning, prevent fraud, enforce our terms of use, comply with all applicable laws and corporate reporting obligations, enforce Bodhi Foundation India agreements, and accomplish other purposes you may initiate or request. In some situations, the collection of personal data may be required for the operation of the Sites, or we may use it in the course of our business activities, including in connection with some client services, for example, to provide certain services or products such as our benchmarking products. We may combine and/or analyze personal data to evaluate and offer content and services most relevant to you. We may keep any of your personal data on file and use it to contact you. Bodhi Foundation India and its service providers may use first- and third-party Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies, including web beacons, to manage our Sites and our services and collect analytics about how you use them. Bodhi Foundation India and its service providers may collect information about whether you open or click any links in the knowledge, research or event communications that we send to you. The information provided throughout this Privacy Policy about cookies also applies to these other tracking technologies. Our Sites do not track you by collecting personal data about your online activities over time and across third party websites or online services. Accordingly, we do not alter our data collection and use practices in response to “do not track” signals transmitted from web browsers. Site should be construed as granting directly or indirectly, or by implication any license or right to use any Vision intellectual property other than as expressly set forth herein. The license granted in this section terminates automatically and immediately if you do not comply with these Terms.
3. Use of Information collected via mobile devices
In connection with our mobile applications, Bodhi Foundation India may use third party service providers to analyze user activity to fix errors, monitor usage, and improve the performance of the mobile applications. For example, Bodhi Foundation India receives reports on some of our mobile applications’ aggregate usage and browsing patterns, including information about the type of device used, articles accessed, and other events occurring within our apps.
4. The legal basis by which we process your personal data
Our processing of your personal data for the purposes mentioned above is based: 1. in part, on our legitimate interests in promoting and protecting Bodhi Foundation India, building and maintaining relationships, recruitment, and providing our services; 2. in part, on your consent, for example if you create a user profile, or register for our newsletters or alerts, or for business purposes that support web operations such as understanding and enhancing the quality of your experience on our web-sites; 3. in part, to comply with the law, when certain information is necessary to satisfy our legal or regulatory obligations
5. Disclosure of personal data: data recipients and international data transfers
Personal data collected in the course of Bodhi Foundation India's business activities, including in connection with some client services, as well as on the Sites may be transferred from time to time to Bodhi Foundation India's affiliates and their personnel across our global organization, as well as to our third-party service providers located throughout the world, including in countries where the local law may grant you fewer rights than you have in your own country. Additionally, the Sites may be viewed and hosted by Bodhi Foundation India and our third-party service providers anywhere in the world. Where required by law, we have put in place legal mechanisms designed to ensure adequate data protection of your personal data that is processed by Bodhi Foundation India's affiliates and third-party service providers, including the transfer of your personal data to countries other than the one in which you reside. Bodhi Foundation India will not intentionally disclose or transfer (and will take reasonable steps to prevent the unauthorized or accidental disclosure of) your personal data to third parties without your consent or as otherwise permitted by law, whether for such third parties’ own marketing purposes or otherwise, except as follows. Bodhi Foundation India may provide access to your personal data to third party service providers engaged by Bodhi Foundation India to provide services related to the Sites as well as related to Bodhi Foundation India's business activities, including in connection with some client services, in the manner agreed upon in our client services agreements. We maintain processes designed to ensure that any processing of personal data by third party service providers is consistent with this Privacy Policy and protects the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of your personal data. We also may share your personal data with third party service providers who perform services and functions on our behalf to support our interactions with you, including, for example, processing recruitment materials, administering surveys or contests, or communicating with you. In addition, we may disclose information about you:
1. If we are required to do so by law or legal process;
2. To law enforcement authorities or other government officials;
3. When we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual illegal activity;
4. If disclosure is necessary to protect the vital interests of a person;
5. To enforce our Terms of use;
6. To protect our property, services and legal rights;
7. To prevent fraud against Bodhi Foundation India, our affiliates and/or business partners;
8. To support auditing, compliance, and corporate governance functions;
9. To comply with any and all applicable laws.
10. In addition, we may disclose or transfer your personal data in the event of a re-organization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, or other transfer or disposition of all or any portion of our business.