Global Green Preeminent Awards 2023

Global Green Preeminent Awards 2023
“Global Green Preeminent Awards” have been designed to recognize outstanding achievements in environmental conservation projects, processes and awareness programs. Green Pre-eminent Award honor those partners, projects, and processes that excel in meeting growing environmental conservation needs while protecting and enhancing the environment. While working in partnership with States, organizations, businesses, and individuals, We at Sustinere Green Global Awards encourage environmental development and increased awareness of the successes we can achieve by incorporating environmental excellence into our everyday work.

Sustinere Green Global Award for Environmental Excellence will help you to understand your impact on our environment and respond to the risks, opportunities and responsibilities ahead, while building a more efficient and cost effective organization

Air Pollution Management: Initiatives & specific targets for reducing air pollutant emissions and disclosing their environmental impact.
Biodiversity Impact Management: Initiatives to protect, restore and reduce the adverse impact on biodiversity and strategies for rehabilitation and resettlement programs.
Energy Efficiency: Effective energy management which includes reducing overall energy consumption, using renewable energy in operations, having certified energy management systems, and disclosing energy consumption.
GHG Emissions Reduction: Various initiatives undertaken for reduction of GHG emissions and carbon footprints.
Green Supply Chain:Sustainability in the supply chain that includes sourcing products from environmentally responsible suppliers, monitoring and reducing environmental impacts at every stage.
Green Product / Service:Initiatives to introduce, develop and market green products/services.
Waste Management:Initiatives for managing several types of waste generated in the operations and reducing waste generation.
Water Efficiency:Reducing, recycling and reusing water, having certified water efficiency management systems and to disclose the withdrawal and consumption of water during different processes.
Global Green Preeminent Award 2023 for Environment Management
Global Green Preeminent Award 2023 for Sustainability
Global Green Preeminent Award 2023 for Water Stewardship
Global Green Preeminent Award 2023 for Energy Efficiency
Global Green Preeminent Award 2023 for Plant Efficiency
Global Green Preeminent Award 2023 for Eco Innovation
Global Green Preeminent Award 2023 for Waste Management
Global Green Preeminent Award 2023 for Climate Change & Innovation